It's another example of the GB manipulating events for their own benefit, it would be nice if the orginization was destroyed by secular authorities and then the end will come LMFAO!
Star tiger
the double think standards of jehovah's witness authority is best illustrated by the following:.
jehovahs witnesses refuse to buy the malawi congress party card.
this card declares the holder to be a member of the ruling political party of malawi.
It's another example of the GB manipulating events for their own benefit, it would be nice if the orginization was destroyed by secular authorities and then the end will come LMFAO!
Star tiger
it starts in less than 5 mins.... has everybody got their fave country's flag and got their wine/beer and european nibblies ready?.
I liked Georgia it was almost Metal!!!
Star Tiger
so, i am thinking about voting for the first time in my life.
even though there is a questions from readers article that basically mentioned it is a conscience matter, we all know what the unwritten rule is.. problem is, even though i'm mentally out, i'm still physically in.
do you think that if i'm seen at the polling station by the witnesses i could suffer any consequences?
Greetings Bucholz,
Do it, at least you feel you are participating in this life, rather than putting all your faith in something that cannot be externally quantified, rather than just a group of random old men the GB !
Star Tiger
or are you pretty much the same, as a person?.
do you still worry about doing everything just so?.
do you still suffer from depression and angst?.
I am now in the stage of not believing in a caring creator, now more Deist, but looking into more extreme versions of mans creation Erich Von Daniken, etc may not prove any more productive, but as I now see the Bible as a Britains got talent, what books got into the new testament, via the council of trent, very wary of books, so for me, all options of belief are equally valid and on the table aswell as nonbelief!
Star Tiger
i've only got to chapter five were its talking about a brain washing cult, i think... hmm sure your talking about catholics?.
is this a book worth reading anyone?.
any others you would recomend?
Greetings Highdose,
I am also reading the Illuminatus trilogy, which has a lot to do with the NWO and illuminati influences in society don't no what to think at the moment as we are all just mushrooms, many things going on that we peasants just don't know about, similar to the GB, who knows just a bit worrying!!!!!
Star Tiger
i was just thinking about this wonderful earth created for us, .
only 1% of the worlds water is drinkable,.
75% of the worlds vegetation is inedible for us, and we cannot digest cellulose.
Greetings all,
I was just thinking about this wonderful earth created for us,
only 1% of the worlds water is drinkable,
75% of the worlds vegetation is inedible for us, and we cannot digest cellulose
millions of babies die through inadequate healthcare
does this show a loving God, or am I wrong
The Jehovah's witnesses state that this is because of mass rejection of his word
and yet what human parent would not die on behalf of his or her child
I'm not feeling the love!!!
Star Tiger
Same old rubbish I guess!
this topic is about the difference between how we see the world and how it really is.. we each have our own way.. some of us try to be mostly rational.. others, prefer a more religious, spiritual or mystical approach.. i'd say most ordinary people (non-specialists) mix the two.. .
with that premise in mind, i say the following:.
dropping an egg on the floor tests the integrity of the egg well-enough as measured against gravity :).
Hi all.
That 's why I love reading Ayn Rand's books the philosophy beginning with Aristotle, such logical stuff, lol!
Star Tiger
with the royal wedding in the news,.
has your perspective of the royal family, her majesty the queen, the national anthem, and maybe politics in general, changed since you left the borg?.
even if you're not british, would you say you are more patriotic now?.
Hi all,
I've always thought that Royal family earn more money for the country than they claim, and that they don't seem too arrogant so their alright with me, I rather take offence at jumped up socialist politicians who arrive at the Houses of Parliament with no cash, and proceed to fill their pockets with as many expenses as possible!!
although there were several Tory politicians who did the same, but not on the same scale
Star Tiger